Reverse Diabetes
Say Good bye to Type II Diabetes in 120 days.

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has long been identified as an incurable chronic disease based on traditional means of treatment. Research now exists that suggests reversal is possible through other means that have only recently been embraced in the guidelines.
People with diabetes make hourly decisions about their health to manage their glucose level, but only see a medical provider every few months. Nutrition with AK has personalized and effective follow up system to understand your condition and how you are doing 24/7.
Our approach is recognized by many leading medical care experts such as the American Diabetes Association,, National Center for Biotechnology Information U.S many more.
This program is tailored to each person and controls blood sugar without medications. We personalize everything, from nutrition to behavioural advice to medical care, to make success last.
At ASTRA Wellness we can help you reverse type 2 diabetes quickly and sustainably.
What’s happening?
Some 3.6 million Malaysians are suffering from diabetes, the highest rate of incidence in Asia and one of the highest in the world, said Health Ministry.
Seven million Malaysian adults are likely to have diabetes by 2025, a worrying trend that will see diabetes prevalence of 31.3% for adults aged 18 years and above, he added. “This exponential increase is significantly within type two diabetes, which is largely the result of excess body weight and physical inactivity,” he said when officiating the 3rd Cambridge-Oxford Sunway Biomedical Symposium titled “Diabetes: Disarming the Silent Killer” here, yesterday.The problem is not just the diabetes, but its affects on heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, blindness and nerves is huge. There are 2 forms of diabetes;
Diabetes type 1– where the insulin cells in the pancreas are destroyed and no longer make insulin.
This used to be the only diabetes that children developed, but with overeating (especially sugars), obesity and lack of exercise. In type 1 diabetes some destructive immune process destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This means the body produces no insulin and without this, glucose cannot enter the cells. Very high blood sugar develops and unless treated is fatal.
We are still unsure on why this happens, it has some hereditary and ethnic background and other suspected causes include viral infections, particularly enterovirus infections, immunizations, diet, especially exposure to A1 cow’s milk at an early age, obesity and Vitamin D deficiency.
Diabetes type 2– where the insulin is produced but the cells become resistant to its actions.
In both the blood sugar rises, but many other changes happen in the body causing all the complications listed above. In 2030, one in 3 of our kids will develop diabetes and up to 20% of adults will also get it, then prevention is the only obvious solution, especially when one looks at how poorly the results of our treatment are.
There are a number of features in our modern world which are fuelling this epidemic:
• High glycaemic foods
• Soft drinks
• Lake of exercise
• Obesity
• Other factors that are being implicated – grains, high fructose syrups, low vitamin D, changes in the bacteria in the bowel (leaky gut).
So we should all be looking at these, especially in our children. Changes are easy and cheap to implement and could make a huge difference in both their quality and quantity of lives.
What you can do:
A good healthy lifestyle is essential in people with diabetes to avoid very nasty complications in the future.
• Get your weight as near as possible to the ideal
• Diet especially low glycaemic foods.
• Exercise moderately on daily basic. The key is on consistency than doing vigorous exercise.
• Reduce the stresses in life and have plenty of rest at night.
• There is increasing evidence that milk A1 milk may be playing a role in the cause and continuation of diabetes. If it is available, I would recommend all diabetics either to use A2 milk or avoid cow’s milk altogether.
• Of course, cigarettes and alcohol intake is definitely no.
Nutritional supplements:
Because treatment does not just involve controlling the blood sugar but aims to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, kidney disease and stroke, good nutrition can play a huge part in managing, preventing and reversing diabetes condition.
• A good multivitamin makes sure that the tissues have all the nutrients and minerals required to function perfectly. Many of the vitamins (especially the B group) help preserve nerve function. The minerals chromium, magnesium and vanadium have been shown to improve the response to insulin. In a Chinese study, diabetic patients given a trace dose of chromium, improved their diabetic control and needed less insulin.
• Calcium and magnesium, 800-1,000mg/day. Magnesium not only has a very calming effect, it helps with sleep and enables people to cope better. Magnesium also helps dilate the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the legs and kidneys. These two minerals also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and high blood pressure.
• Vitamin D seems to play an important role in many diseases including diabetes. 1,000-8,000 IU daily seems wise advice.
• Grape seed extract (proanthocyanidins) is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. As oxidative damage is more common in diabetes and most of the complications are aggravated by free radicals, a surfeit of antioxidants seems a wise idea.
• Omega 3 fish oils. These can help lower the triglyceride fats which are often raised in diabetes, and also have major benefits for the heart, skin and blood vessels.
• CoEnzyme Q10 – is an enzyme inside the cells which is essential for making energy. Low levels have many effects and some drugs which your doctor may have put you on (beta blockers, statins) can lower the CoQ10 levels. There have been some small studies showing improved diabetic control with CoQ10. I personally recommend my patients with diabetes to take 60 – 100mg of CoQ10 daily.
• Fibre drinks and shakes can help keep the blood sugar under control, as well as washing the toxins out of the bowel.
At ASTRA Wellness, we have amazing, personalized programs to suit your daily lifestyle to help you achieve optimum health. Start today, get a FREE 10 minute consultation. Book Now.