Astra Wellness

Nutrition for Kids

Better brain development and stronger immune system for your child.

Nearly 1 in 3 children in Asia is overweight or obese. Despite all the focus on kids being overweight and obese, many parents are still confused, especially when it comes to what kids eat. How much does your child need? Is he getting enough calcium? Enough iron? Too much fat?

So what’s the best formula to fuel your child’s growth and development?

Nutrition for kids is based on the same principles as nutrition for adults. Everyone needs the same types of nutrients — such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fat. Children, however, need different amounts of specific nutrients at different ages.

Many children and families today have busy schedules. These make it hard to sit down to homemade meals every day. Many kids’ diets involve a lot of convenience and takeout food. But these foods can be unhealthy. They can have a negative effect on your child’s health. Some of the problems unhealthy eating causes can continue into adulthood. They can even develop into lifelong diseases.

Here important daily food intake your child need:

1. Protein

Protein helps a child’s body build cells, break down food into energy, fight infection, and carry oxygen. Foods that contain high levels of protein include: Preferably from fish, eggs, chickpeas and nuts.

2. Carbohydrates

While the latest diet trend is to “cut the carbs,” carbohydrates are actually the body’s most important source of energy. They help a child’s body to use fat and protein for building and repairing tissue. Carbohydrates come in several different forms (sugars, starches, and fiber), but kids should be eating more of the starches and fibers and less of the sugar.

3. Calcium

Calcium is essential in helping to build a child’s healthy bones and teeth. It’s also important for blood clotting and for nerve, muscle, and heart function. Examples like Milk, Cheeses, Yogurt, Broccoli, Spinach and Tofu.

4. Iron

Iron is necessary for a child to build healthy blood that carries oxygen to cells all over the body. Examples like Red meat, Liver, Whole Grains and Beans.

5. Fiber

Fiber helps produce bowel regularity in a child. It can also play a role in reducing the chances of heart disease and cancer later in life. Foods that contain high levels of fiber include: Baked Potatoes, all kinds of Beans, Apples, Guava and Carrots.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C does more than just fighting off the common cold. It also holds the body’s cells together, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps the body heal wounds, and is important for building strong bones and teeth. Examples like Papayas, Mangoes, Tomatoes and Melons.

Kid-friendly junk food alternatives

Instead of…… Try…

French fries —“Baked fries” grilled in the oven and salted lightly

Ice cream —- Yogurt; sorbet; fresh fruit smoothies

Fried chicken — Baked or grilled chicken

Doughnuts or pastries — Home baked goods with less sugar

Chocolate-chip cookies — Fruit and caramel dip/ Honey dip

Potato chips — Baked vegetable chips or, for older children, nuts

Start with breakfast, we understand has a working parents it’s difficult give the best home cooked prepared meals for your kids, but it’s very very very important to start their day with a healthy breakfast.

Eating a balanced breakfast with protein is a great way for your child to start their day. Protein can help them stay fuller longer. It even can help teenagers lose weight. Mornings can be hectic. Try one of these for a healthy, on-the-go breakfast:

  • Egg sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

  • Yogurt with fruits or dates.

  • Homemade peanut butter on whole-grain toast.

  • Hard boiled eggs, toast, and a banana.

If you need ideas for introducing healthy living concepts to kids, try to focus on these five high-impact areas:

  1. Eating a fiber-rich diet

  2. Enjoying kid-friendly exercises

  3. Getting adequate sleep

  4. Taking the right nutritional supplements

  5. Developing a safe, responsible relationship with electronic devices

Studies have shown adequate sleep has several positive impacts for children and teens. Attention, memory, and behavior show up often. But many aspects of mental and physical health have been shown to improve when kids get enough sleep. But what’s the right amount of sleep? Recommended amounts vary by age group. Here is a breakdown:

Age (years) — Sleep time (hours/day)

  • 1-2 — 11-14

  • 3-5 — 10-13

  • 6-13 — 9-12

  • 14-18 — 8-10

The Right Start

In the first six months of life, kids’ nutritional needs are taken care of by breast milk. If breastfeeding isn’t an option, high-quality commercial formula can provide the nutrition for babies up to six months old.

The mother’s nutritional status is very important for breastfed infants. Passing on adequate quantities of vitamins and minerals is essential to proper growth and development. That means a focus on getting all the nutrients—from a healthy diet or quality supplementation, if necessary—mom and baby both need.

At about six months, an infant needs a few important nutrients—especially iron. Levels of this essential mineral start dropping, and iron-rich foods are needed. Eleven milligrams (mg) of iron per day are recommended for babies 7–12 months old.

Luckily, about this same time, kids are typically able to start supplementing breast milk or formula with other foods. So, iron-enriched cereals, fruit or vegetable purees, and other options can provide the extra nutrients healthy kids need. That’s on top of the nutrition babies continue to get from breast milk or formula.

Three most important supplements that I recommend to all my parents is (specially for kids that are eating right):

1. Essential Fatty Oil (Omega 3, 6 and 9) – Healthy growth and development and Healthy brain function. This structural support of brain cells helps them can relay information, and will help support many aspects of cognitive development:

  • Learning ability

  • Vocabulary acquisition

  • Listening comprehension

  • Acute memory

  • Attention and concentration

  • Behaviour and mood

2. Children multivitamin, the right multivitamins with the right balance design for children will help them to support:

  • Supports healthy immune function

  • Supports strong bones and teeth with calcium magnesium, and vitamin D

  • Includes iron, thiamin, and B12 to support energy.

  • Supports tissue formation

  • Supports muscle and nerve function

3. Probiotics, by supplying an increase of friendly bacteria to the gut, probiotic helps create an ideal environment to keep things running smoothly. Taking one stick pack every other day offers important benefits for your daily health and well-being:

  • Promotes good digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Maintains digestive comfort and regularity

  • Supports healthy immunity

However, not all probiotics sources are equal. Make sure you get a real, reliable dose of beneficial bacteria with each stick pack contains guaranteed levels of two of the most well-studied probiotics strains. So you can feel confident giving it to your kids.

Grape Seed Extract or Vitamin C, Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that must be provided by the diet, because your body can’t make it naturally. It is very important for kids to get right amount of vitamin c (Important that a Vitamin C taken should be ascorbate minerals and not ascorbic acid). Some of their benefits:

  • Antioxidant activity neutralizes damage caused by free radicals to maintain cellular health.

  • Helps your body use iron

  • Supports collagen synthesis (a major structural protein in the body) to help maintain healthy skin, gums, cartilage, blood vessels, muscle, and bones

  • Supports immune function

  • Supports eye health

Making healthy choices is an important life skill that parents can teach their kids. Your example and guidance are enough to show them how to make their own good decisions. Lead your kids to a life of healthy living by teaching them how to make good choices for themselves today.

We believe building a right foundation is very important for kids. What they eat from baby to 18 years old will mostly likely determine their health for next 20-40 years. It is also very important in choosing the right nutrition for your kids free from all the adverse reaction and do not go for the cheap supplements in the market, we are here to assist you in getting the best for your child future. Their future in Your Hands

At ASTRA Wellness, we have amazing, personalized programs to suit your daily lifestyle to help you achieve optimum health. Start today, get a FREE 10 minute consultation. Book Now.

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