Astra Wellness

Men's Health

Perform at optimal level and stay strong

Everyone knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle. If you have a busy schedule, you may find it hard to make time for regular exercise or find yourself eating a lot of takeout and junk food. Men are notorious for avoiding the doctor and ignoring unusual symptoms.

“Men put their health last,” says Demetrius Porche, DNS, RN, editor in chief of the American Journal of Men’s Health. “Most men’s thinking is, if they can live up to their roles in society, then they’re healthy.”

Men’s Top 5 Health Concerns

1. Cardiovascular disease: the leading men’s health threat

2. Lung cancer: still a health threat to men

3. Prostate cancer: a leading cancer for men

4. Diabetes: the silent health threat for men

5. Erectile dysfunction: a common health problem in men

What men are actually worried about?

1. Penis size

2. Lots of money

3. Full head of hair

4. Nice cars

5. Height

6. Huge muscles

7. Sexual function

“I notice my sex drive isn’t what it used to be.” Many men like sex and want to continue having it for as long as possible. However, age-related testosterone loss is a natural part of getting older, which can reduce not just sex drive, but motivation and general well-being.

What men can do?

Get routine health checkups, screenings and (don’t forget) dental exams. Just because you’re healthy doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Going to your health care provider for regular checkups could just save your life

Get your vitamins. A well balanced nutrition is very important to maintain healthy and active lifestyle. Take your core minerals, antioxidants, omega, coenzyme Q10 and palmetto.

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Eating a diet that’s low in fat, cholesterol, and salt, and packed with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight, especially around the waist, can be hard on your body. Carrying too much body fat forces your heart to work harder and increases your chances of heart disease and stroke, even if you have no other risk factors! So, try to curb weight gain as you age.

Drink alcohol in moderation. If you drink alcohol, limit your consumption to no more than two drinks per day.

Don’t smoke. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals and is a known cause of cancer. Smoking also increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, heart disease, lung problems and other health problems.

Get moving. “The body gets very comfortable when you always do the same workout. You have got to keep varying your exercises, and they have to be an age-appropriate mix of aerobics, muscle training, and stretching.”

Stay ready for sex. “When you’re stressed out, not sleeping, or drinking too much, you can’t get an erection on demand, and a man’s erection is a barometer for overall health. Exercising, eating well, and sleeping well are the best ways to be sure you’re a stud in the bedroom.”

Care for your prostate. “The prostate grows as you get older. You’ll almost certainly have symptoms, like urinary problems. A really healthy, low-fat diet will reduce the likelihood of prostate growth and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.”

Learn to manage stress. Many men define themselves by their careers, which can raise stress levels. Over time, stress can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.

At ASTRA Wellness, we have amazing, personalized programs to suit your daily lifestyle to help you achieve optimum health. Start today, get a FREE 10 minute consultation. Book Now.