Pregnancy Solutions
The miracles is just around the corner.

Infertility on the rise, 1 in 7 couples are having issues trying to get a baby. There has been an obvious increase in the number of couples who are unable to have children despite being married for several years. Infertility is now a health problem for both men and women.
Many women believe that fate plays a part in fertility. In Malaysia, 71% of women believe that infertility is “God’s will”, and 42% attribute it to “bad luck”.
There also seems to be a widespread lack of knowledge about male fertility issues – 51% of women do not know that a man may be infertile even if he can achieve an erection, and 49% do not realize that a man may be infertile even though he produces sperms..
Are you fertile?

The main cause of male infertility:
Low sperm count (not having enough sperms in your semen).
Poor sperm mobility (when sperm doesn’t swim well enough to reach an egg).
Sperm that aren’t formed correctly. (Sperm morphology).
No sperm in your semen.
Testicle pain or swelling. There are several different conditions that could lead to pain or swelling in the testicles, many of which could contribute to infertility.
Sexual problems (erection and ejaculation problems).

The main cause of female infertility:
Hormonal problem.
Damage to fallopian tubes (tubal infertility). Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes keep sperms from getting to the egg or block the passage of the fertilized egg into the uterus.
The shape of your uterus makes it hard for a fertilized egg to implant.
Poor egg quality
Polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS) Ovulation problem.
Unexplained infertility (environmental toxins, physical and mental stress)
Medical treatment options: (ART, IUI & IVF)
Fertility drugs used to treat female infertility that will work like hormones that are naturally present in the body to either encourage or regulate ovulation. Success rate of 4%.
Reproductive assistance can involve methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and ART. During IUI, millions of sperm are injected into a woman’s uterus near the time of ovulation. Success rate of 10-20%.
IVF is one type of ART and involves the removal of eggs that are then fertilized with a man’s sperm in a laboratory. After fertilization, the embryo is placed back into the uterus. Success rate of 20-30%.
My grandfather’s secret:
Research indicates men and women that were 50 – 70 years ago, had very little issues regards to pregnancy, they had balanced hormone and sufficient nutrition in their body to produce healthier babies.
The main cause of this massive change is due to change of nutritional value in our food intake and stress.
Very few cases reported to have problem during delivery, and most of them are normal delivery.
The secret was very simple, the healthier you are, the changes of you getting a healthier baby increases tremendously. All short cut were only resulting on complication during or after pregnancy.

What can you do?
Nutritional therapy for both men and women to promote fertility. Pregnancy is the one time your eating habits can directly influence the health of another person. It’s one of the most nutritionally demanding times in a woman’s life. Pregnancy nutrition requirements are higher to support the rapid growth and development of a baby. The extra nutrition is needed to strengthen the nutritional reserves of the mom-to-be.
A mother’s eating and lifestyle habits can have profound, life-long effects on the health of her child. A healthy, well-nourished woman is more likely to experience a healthy pregnancy. That includes fewer pregnancy-related complications, which increases the chances of delivering a healthy bundle of joy. A healthy baby has a better chance of growing into a healthy child and, someday, a healthy adult. And don’t forget the nutritional and lifestyle status of the father. His role in the healthy creation of a baby is equally important.
Acupuncture therapy. Could improve both ovulation and menstruation in women with PCOS.
Yoga incorporates postures and breathing techniques to promote relaxation, decrease stress levels and improve fertility for both men and women.
Fertility diet, fertility-boosting food recommendations are aimed at improving infertility caused by problems with ovulation for women and to improve sperm count for men.
Ovulation tracking and ovulation predictor kit. The test strips detect luteinizing hormone (LH). It surges right before ovulation. Once you get a positive result, you should have sex that day and for the next few days. Keep in mind that an egg only survives about 24 hours after ovulation so this so-called fertile window may not be a good indicator of when you should have sex.
You may also notice an increase in cervical mucus.
The one thing you should think about is your lubricant. Certain products can decrease sperm mobility and viability. These are important when trying to get pregnant. If you need to use a lubricant, use natural canola oil or coconut oil.
At ASTRA Wellness, we have amazing, personalized programs to suit your daily lifestyle to help you achieve optimum health. Start today, get a FREE 10 minute consultation. Book Now.
1. Counselling to find the root cause.
2. Reset your body.
3. Educate on the daily food intake.
4. Proper nutrition to tackle the problem to conceive.
5. Most important, The Time, How & What to Do.