Astra Wellness

Prevent Heart Attack

Clears blocks and improve heart function for optimum health.

Heart attack remains the leading cause of death in Malaysia and the world since 2010. An estimated 11,380 people in Malaysia and 17.9 million people worldwide died from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in 2016 alone.

At Nutrition with AK we can help you reduce the risk of heart attacks quickly and help patients suffering from heart and coronary disease to recovers completely.

What will happen?

A heart attack feels like severe angina pain (as described in the angina section – heavy tight chest pains radiating into the arms, jaw and back) lasting more than 30-40 minutes and is often associated with sweating, nausea, Shortness of breath and a feeling of being unwell.

Act immediately, this is not the time to have doubts or worry about it being a false alarm. Call an ambulance. Chew one aspirin tablet (300mg). Chew a magnesium tablet (800mg). Chew a grape seed extracttablet (400mg).

If the heart stops during cardiac arrest the person will die unless they receive CPR to keep the heart beating, and then defibrillation to shock the heart back into action. Click here to learn about CPR.

What doctors can do?

Drugs. Aspirin to reduce the clot formation and thrombolytic drugs which can dissolve the clot causing the heart attack. Sometimes other drugs are used to control pain, blood pressure or cardiac rhythm disturbances.

ECG, heart monitors are used to detect any abnormal rhythms and an echocardiogram can review the degree of heart damage. When indicated, an angiogram is arranged and this may be followed by angioplasty and stent or bypass surgery.

The patient spends 4-5 days in hospital and then goes house. Usually it takes about 4-6 weeks to allow the heart to completely heal. Once the heart is healed the most important thing is to prevent another heart attack.This is followed by a lifelong medication.

Statin drugs– these are probably the most profitable and prescribed drugs in the world, and have almost certainly been overused. They can reduce the risk of heart disease by approximately 20%, but they do have significant adverse and side-effects, and only for those at real risk of heart disease would we recommend that they be used.

Aspirin– for many years doctors have been recommending taking a low dose of aspirin, however the evidence for those without heart disease there is a slight reduction in heart attacks, but no difference in strokes and heart disease deaths, that a higher incidence of bleeding. Aspirin should therefore only be used in people with definite heart disease.

High blood pressure drugs– there is no debate that high blood pressure should be treated, and in doing so it does reduce the risk of heart disease.

The poly pill– a single pill containing the combination of blood pressure lowering drugs (ACE inhibitors) and aspirin has been suggested for all middle aged to older people, particularly those at risk. These do have significant side effects, and as yet had not been shown to have any benefit at all.

What you can do?

Imagine having to go through the above process and followed by years of taking medication. I strongly recommend people to take charge of their lives and start preventing heart attacks. Here are some basic information of what you can do.

  • Exercise – gradually increase physical activity; walking is the best. Don’t overdo it and slow down if the exercise causes breathlessness or chest pain.

  • Have a good night’s sleep and if necessary have an afternoon nap for the first few weeks. Learn how to relax or even meditate, and reduce the stresses in life.

  • Diet is important. Don’t eat huge meals and don’t exercise after eating. Eat lots of fruit, vegetables, grains and fish. Limit on the red meat, and use mainly monounsaturated oils and avoid trans fats.

  • Weight reduction. Losing around 5 kg initially not only will save your life but motivates you for a better active lifestyle.

  • Reduce Alcohol intake.

Nutritional supplements – there are a number of supplements that are beneficial for heart disease, and I would encourage you to take them. There are many vitamins companies in the market, it’s very important taking the once without any Adverse Reaction (AR), Contra Indication (CI), Special Precautions (SP) and Drug Interaction (DI).

  • A good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral provides the heart tissue with all the nutrition for efficient repair and also will lower the homocysteine which is a strong heart risk factor. In areas where the selenium levels of the soil are low added selenium, 150ug/day or make sure it is in the multi tablet.

  • Calcium and magnesium, 800-1,000mg daily, help the heart function, enabling it to relax. Magnesium can also lower blood pressure and reduce rhythm abnormalities and may reduce the risk or further cardiac arrests.

  • Vitamin D3– there is increasing evidence that low vitamin D levels increase the risk of heart attacks. Sun exposure is good but most people probably require 1000-8,000 iu daily as a supplement as well.

  • Omega 3 fish oils – at least 1 gram daily, preferably 2-3 grams daily are very important in reducing recurrences and also reducing the risk of serious rhythm abnormalities including cardiac arrest. Also helps to repair your artery.

  • Coenzyme Q10 is very important at this stage. It is essential for energy production within the cells, and the heart muscle usually has a very rich supply of CoQ10. The statin drugs (Zocor Lipex, Lipitor), used in nearly all heart patients to lower cholesterol, also block the production of CoQ10. Many people suspect this could increase the risk of developing heart failure later in life. All people taking statin drugs should also be taking Coenzyme Q10 supplements (60–200mg daily).

At ASTRA Wellness, we have amazing, personalized programs to suit your daily lifestyle to help you achieve optimum health. Start today, get a FREE 10 minute consultation. Book Now.










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  16. Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It’s Too Late Paperback by Stephen T. Sinatra

  17. Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: Cures for high cholesterol, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, blood clots, aneurysms, myocardial infarcts and more. (Hatherleigh Natural Health Guides) by Michelle Honda.

  18. Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery.